Arirang Institute is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization seeking to strengthen ties in East Asia through “People to People" Diplomacy.
Our Mission
Our work focuses on community building, outreach, and awareness on the ground level of personal relationships. We believe in building a human network now, building trust, and relationships now in order to ensure a peaceful and prosperous Korean peninsula now and into the future.
We believe that through direct contact, communication and dialogue of all parties involved, that we will one day see the dissolution of the DMZ and a train from Busan, to Seoul, Seoul to Pyongyang, to Russia, all the way to Europe, will exist and the Silk Road of generations past will cradle a prosperity and peace for generations to come.
우리는 육자국가들(관련 국가들)이 직접 대화, 교류, 협력을 통해서, 비무장지대가 무너지며, 부산에서 서울로, 서울에서 평양으로, 러시아 에서 유럽까지 여행할 수 있는 기차의 부활로 Silk Road시대가 도래하여 미래의 부와 평화를 지킬 수 있을 것이라고 믿습니다.
Track IIi Diplomacy
We believe that, Track III Diplomacy “People to People Diplomacy”, is the best vehicle for strengthening ties and creating strong, real, human relationships between all parties through scientific and cultural exchange in an academic environment.
Track III 외교 (개인과개인외교)
우리는 관련 국가들간 친선을 강화하고, 사람들과 진정한 관계를 형성하기 위해서 학문적 환경에서 과학, 교유, 및 문화 교류 협력으로 하는 “ 개인과 개인 외교”이란 것이라고 믿습니다.
Arirang Institute’s core functions according to our bylaws:
(1) [To provide a forum for non-political and non-partisan public education and dialogue regarding the cultural, economic and security issues regarding North and South Korea];
(2) [To sponsor seminars and other educational events where community leaders, governmental and organizational representatives, and other concerned members of the public and government may meet to exchange ideas, suggest solutions and implement strategies];
(3) [To sponsor cultural, sporting and leisure events where community leaders, governmental and organizational representatives, and other concerned members of the public and government may meet to freely exchange ideas, suggest solutions and implement strategies];